“The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.”~ e. e. cummings
Mental Attitude: Entitled Individuals Think Differently.People who have a strong sense of entitlement think rules don’t apply to them. Researcher Dr. Emily Zitek explains, “[These individuals] don’t think it’s fair for other people to tell them what to do… Instructions are essentially an unfair imposition. They want to do their own thing. They feel like they deserve good things and special treatment… The fundamental problem here is that entitled individuals think they deserve more than other people think they do.”Social Psychological and Personality Science, December 2017
Health Alert: Asthma in America Costs Billions.Based on an analysis of medical expenses and costs associated with work and school absences and deaths between 2008 and 2013, federal health officials say that the economic cost of asthma in the United States is almost $82 billion per year. However, the actual cost of asthma is most likely underestimated because the study did not include individuals with untreated asthma. Lead author Dr. Tursynbek Nurmagambetov writes, “Cost studies can influence health policy decisions and help decision makers understand the scale, seriousness and implications of asthma so that resources can be identified to improve disease management and reduce the burden of asthma. [The findings show] the critical need to support and further strengthen asthma control strategies.”Annals of the American Thoracic Society, January 2018
Diet: Eat More Fruits & Veggies!Adults who consume at least seven servings of fruits and vegetables per day are less likely to be overweight or obese than men and women who eat six or fewer servings of produce each day.Obesity Science & Practice, December 2017
Exercise: Get the Family Involved to Get Active.With today’s busy schedules, it can be difficult for family members to meet physically activity recommendations. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute suggests the following to get more active: schedule family exercise after dinner, on weekends, or during other blocks of free time; stay motivated by joining an exercise group or by having your kids participate in community sports; and engage in activities that don’t depend on good weather, such as indoor cycling, indoor swimming, stair climbing, rope skipping, and dancing.National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, January 2018
Chiropractic: Smoking Increases Risk for Chronic Back Pain.Based on surveys completed by 213 men and women over the age of 50, researchers found that smokers are 2.59 times more likely to suffer from chronic low back pain (CLBP) than nonsmokers.Asian Spine Journal, December 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Talking To Children About Divorce.When it comes to divorce, it’s important to be open and honest with children. The American Academy of Pediatrics offers the following suggestions for divorcing parents: keep communication clear and simple; do not promote the idea that the divorce is the child’s fault or that the child can help rectify the situation; reassure the child that they will be safe; mention that mom and dad will both be happier; and emphasize that there will be two homes in which the child will be loved.American Academy of Pediatrics, January 2018