Advanced Health

“People do not decide to become extraordinary.They decide to accomplish extraordinary things.”~ Edmund Hillary

Mental Attitude: Could Smog Be to Blame for Badly Behaving Teens?In this study, researchers tracked 13 rule-breaking behaviors among 682 kids in Los Angeles for nine years and found a link between greater exposure to airborne particulate matter and an increased risk for delinquent behaviors.Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, December 2017

Health Alert: Obesity May Increase Risk for Rosacea.Rosacea is estimated to affect 16 million Americans and is characterized by redness, bumps, and pimples on the face, as well as skin thickening and eye irritation. Researchers reviewed data on nearly 90,000 women in the United States and found a 48% greater likelihood of rosacea among those with a BMI of 35 and greater compared with women of normal weight. Study author Dr. Wen-Qing Li writes, “Our study holds general public health significance, [adding] rosacea to the list of chronic diseases associated with obesity… A healthier weight should definitely be encouraged for general health and well-being.”American Academy of Dermatology, December 2017

Diet: Eating More Fruits and Veggies Is Good for Your Teeth!Japanese researchers evaluated the teeth of over 6,500 elderly men and women and found an association between greater fruit and vegetable consumption and better oral health.Nutrients, December 2017

Exercise: Exercise Reduces Chemotherapy-Related Neuropathy.Over half of patients receiving chemotherapy treatment experience numbness, tingling, pain, cold sensitivity, and motor impairment in their hands and feet. In this study, which featured over 300 cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, those who participated in a six-week walking and resistance training program reported a significant reduction in their neuropathy symptoms.Supportive Care in Cancer, December 2017

Chiropractic: Musculoskeletal Pain Influences Balance.For older adults, falling down can result in a serious injury that can dramatically reduce their mobility and independence. In this study, researchers measured pain intensity, postural sway, and concerns about falling in 48 seniors with either neck or low back pain. The research team found that intense neck pain paired with limited neck mobility led to significant changes in postural balance, while intense low back pain significantly increased the fear of falling down.Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, December 2017

Wellness/Prevention: Start Brushing Habits Early.To instill lifelong habits to protect one’s smile, experts recommend that tooth brushing begin early in childhood. To accomplish this, the American Academy of Pediatrics advises the following: wipe your baby’s gums with a soft, clean washcloth; never give your baby a bottle in the crib; introduce solid healthy food choices to avoid tooth decay; brush your child’s teeth twice daily until the age of three using a smear of toothpaste the size of a grain of rice; and children age three and older should be able to brush their teeth twice daily by themselves with adult supervision using a pea-sized amount of toothpaste.American Academy of Pediatrics, December 2017