Advanced Health

“We don’t receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us.”~ Marcel Proust

Mental Attitude: Anger Plus Heavy Exertion May Result in a Heart Attack.Intense anger along with heavy physical exertion may be a trigger for a first heart attack among some people. According to a study that involved more than 12,000 men and women, both intense activity and intense emotions double one’s heart attack risk over the following hour, and the risk increases about threefold when individuals are upset and exert themselves at the same time.Circulation, October 2016

Health Alert: Obesity Linked to Liver Cancer.Having a large waistline, a high body mass index (BMI), and type 2 diabetes may raise the risk of liver cancer. Researchers examined data on 1.57 million adults and found that individuals with type 2 diabetes were 2.6 times more likely to be diagnosed with liver cancer than the general population. The researchers also found the risk of liver cancer increases 8% for every two inches (5.08 cm) added to the waistline and the risk is also increased for those with a higher BMI. They conclude these findings provide substantial support for adding liver cancer to the list of obesity-associated cancers.Cancer Research, October 2016

Diet: A Specific Amino Acid Improves Immune Response Against Cancer.An amino acid called L-arginine may help fight cancer. In a new study, researchers found that L-arginine, an amino acid that is consumed through diet, boosts the activity of T cells—immune cells that play a crucial role in the defense against viruses, bacteria, and cancer cells. The investigators found that when levels of L-arginine increased, T-cells survived longer and were more effective at fighting tumors. They conclude that their finding may lead to improved cellular immunotherapies.Cell, October 2016

Exercise: Exercising at Work.Taking advantage of a workplace gym is a great way to get active. The American Council on Exercise suggests the following to get the most out of a workplace gym: schedule exercise on your daily calendar; pack daily workout clothes and get to work early, if necessary; bring toiletries if the gym has showers; ask a co-worker to exercise with you; and keep a clean shirt or fresh change of work clothes at your desk in case you need them.American Council on Exercise, October 2016

Chiropractic: Patients with Modic Changes Respond to Spinal Manipulation.Modic change is a term used to describe alterations to the vertebral endplate and body related to spinal degeneration. In a recent study, researchers used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and outcome data from 44 patients with a cervical disk herniation to evaluate their response to spinal manipulative therapy (SMT). The researchers found that even though patients with Modic changes reported higher pain and disability than those without signs of degeneration, they still benefited from a course of SMT. The findings support the use of spinal manipulation in the management of patients with degenerative changes in the spine.Journal of Manipulation and Therapeutics, September 2016

Wellness/Prevention: Smartphone App Could Be Used to Test for Atrial Fibrillation.Researchers tested more than 13,000 adults in Hong Kong for atrial fibrillation (AF) between May 2014 and April 2015 with a smartphone app combined with a hand-held wireless heart rate monitor and detected 101 cases of AF that had not been previously diagnosed. Experts report that AF is linked with a heightened risk of stroke, heart failure, and death, and its prevalence is increasing among those over the age of 65.Heart, October 2016