Advanced Health

“Forever is composed of nows.” ~ Emily Dickinson
Health Alert: Premature Births Are at 15-Year High.The March of Dimes reports that 10.5% of all babies born in 2021 were delivered before full term, a level not seen in nearly 15 years. The organization attributes the increase to reduced access to prenatal care and an increased incidence of gestational diabetes and hypertension.March of Dimes, November 2022

Diet: Eating Processed Food May Make the Flu Worse.In a laboratory experiment, researchers observed that mice fed a diet consisting of high amounts of processed food had higher risk of death from influenza infection and a more difficult time recovering if they survived than mice on a standard diet. The findings suggest that a diet high in processed food can compromise immune function.Cell Reports, November 2022

Exercise: Exercise Helps Reduce Breast Cancer Treatment-Related Fatigue.Researchers recruited 89 women undergoing treatment for breast cancer to complete a home-based twelve-week resistance training exercise program. The participants reported both lower fatigue levels as well as improved quality of life.Breast Cancer, November 2022

Chiropractic: Managing Low Back Pain.According to a study the included 32 patients with low back pain, a treatment plan that includes stabilization exercises, patient education, and manual therapies—an approach commonly used by doctors of chiropractic—is effective for improving range of motion in lumbar spine and reducing low back-related pain, pain sensitivity, and disability.Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, September 2022

Mental Attitude: Link Between Life Stressors, Insomnia, and Mood Disorders in Teens.A multi-year study that included 6,995 teenagers found that life stress, insomnia, and mood disorders have an interconnected relationship in that the presence of one increases the risk for the other two. The findings suggest that adolescents under treatment for one condition should be assessed for all three.Journal of Affective Disorders, February 2023

Wellness/Prevention: Safe Contact Lens Care.To reduce the risk of infection when using contact lenses, the American Optometric Association recommends the following: don’t wash your hands with a creamy soap that can leave a film on lenses; never make your own saline solution, which can damage lenses; don’t put lenses in your mouth to moisten them; don’t store or wash lenses in tap water; don’t let anyone else wear your lenses; and don’t wear contact lenses to sleep if you’ve been in a hot tub, pool, lake, or ocean.American Optometric Association, November 2022

Check out this month’s pain relief updates here.