Advanced Health

“Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be.” ~ John Wooden
Health Alert: Most Older Adults Have Low Vitamin D Levels.Healthy vitamin D status is essential for bone health, especially in seniors as a serious fracture can threaten both independence and long-term health. However, blood tests of 1,011 older adults revealed that only 22.3% had sufficient vitamin D serum levels.Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences, May 2023

Diet: Food Choices Linked to Multi-Site Chronic Pain.Using data from the UK Biobank study, researchers report that a diet characterized by a high intake of alcohol, salt, pork, and poultry is associated with an elevated risk for chronic pain in multiple body sites.Nutrients, August 2023

Exercise: Exercise Helps Patients with Lynch Syndrome.Lynch syndrome is a condition characterized by a genetic predisposition for several cancers, including colorectal cancer. In a recent study, researchers observed that Lynch syndrome patients who engaged in high-intensity interval training experienced a reduction in inflammation and an increase in certain immune cells that may reduce their cancer risk.Clinical Cancer Research, September 2023

Chiropractic: Mid-Back Mobilization Helps with Low Back Pain.Among a group of 24 low back pain patients, researchers observed that the application of mobilization therapy—a form of treatment utilized by doctors of chiropractic—to the thoracic spine led to improvements in both lower back pain and range of motion.Progress in Rehabilitation Medicine, July 2023

Mental Attitude: Finances Decline in Years Before Dementia Diagnosis.A recent study found that finances tend to significantly decline in patients with dementia up to eight years before diagnosis. While further research is necessary to understand the underlying causes of these drops in net worth—such as productivity loses, impaired money management, or increased healthcare expenditures— financial difficulties later in life may help healthcare providers identify individuals at risk for cognitive decline.JAMA Neurology, September 2023

Wellness/Prevention: Forever Chemicals Linked to Cancers in Women.Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are chemicals used to imbue heat-, oil-, stain-, grease-, and water-resistant properties to products such as food containers, clothes, and furniture that can persist in the environment and body for an extended period of time. Researchers note that women with higher levels of PFAS in their blood may be at elevated risk for skin, ovarian, and uterine cancers.Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, September 2023

Check out this month’s pain relief updates here!