Advanced Health

“Strength lies in differences, not in similarities.” ~ Stephen Covey
Health Alert: DRF May Signal Future Cognitive Issues.According to a study that compared the long-term outcomes of 1,046 seniors with a history of distal radius fracture (DRF) and 1,044 without a history of DRF, such a fracture is associated with a 56% increased risk for cognitive decline. The researchers conclude that extra attention should be paid to the cognitive health of older adults who sustain a DRF.Osteoporosis International, November 2022

Diet: Mom’s Ultra-Processed Food Intake May Affect Her Child…An analysis of data on nearly 20,000 mother-child pairs revealed that a high maternal intake of ultra-processed foods during pregnancy is linked to a 26% increased risk for childhood obesity in her offspring.BMJ, October 2022

Exercise: Active Kids More Likely to Be Active Adults.Following an analysis of data from the Childhood Determinants of Adult Health study, researchers report that children who exercise, play sports, and maintain a healthy weight in childhood and adolescence are more likely to have above-average fitness as adults than their peers who are less active growing up.Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, November 2022

Chiropractic: Manual Therapy Before Exercise for Chronic Neck Pain?In a study that included 58 chronic neck pain patients with mobility deficits in the upper cervical spine, researchers found that mobility of the upper cervical region should be restored using manual therapies before the introduction of stabilization exercises to strengthen the deep cervical spine flexor musculature. Doctors of chiropractic are trained in the application of manual therapies and routinely use them in conjunction with specific exercises in the management of conditions like chronic neck pain.Life (Basel, Switzerland), May 2022

Mental Attitude: Suicide Rates Increased in 2021.The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that the suicide rate in the United States increased in 2021 much as it had between 2000 and 2018, despite a drop in 2019 and 2020. Mental health experts hope the national rollout of the 988 suicide and crisis lifeline can help reverse course.Vital Statistics Rapid Release, September 2022

Wellness/Prevention: Tackling Itchy Skin.The American Academy of Dermatology offers the following tips to relieve itchy skin: apply a cold, wet cloth or ice pack to the itchy area for five to ten minutes or until the itch stops; take an oatmeal bath to help provide relief; use skin moisturizers that contain no additives, fragrances, or perfumes; apply topical anesthetics that contain pramoxine; apply cooling agents such as menthol or calamine or refrigerate your moisturizer to help achieve a cooling effect; and avoid scratching as it can irritate your skin and lead to infection.American Academy of Dermatology, October 2022

Check out this month’s pain relief updates here.