Advanced Health

“Love is the power to see similarity in the dissimilar.” ~ Theodor W. Adorno
Health Alert: One Billion People Worldwide Will Have Osteoarthritis in 2050.Osteoarthritis is characterized by the slow breakdown of the cartilage within joints, leading to swelling, stiffness, and pain that tends to worsen with time. Due to the aging of the global population and the rise in sedentary lifestyles and obesity, researchers estimate that as many as one billion people living in 2050 will have osteoarthritis.The Lancet Rheumatology, August 2023

Diet: A Healthy Diet May Help Some Allergy Sufferers.The current research suggests that excessive calorie intake and nutrient imbalances can contribute to allergies, and for some individuals, allergy management may involve switching to a balanced diet rich in micronutrient and flavonoids to reduce inflammation and improve the health of the gut microbiome.Nutrients, August 2023

Exercise: Tips for Returning to Exercise Postpartum.For new moms looking to resume their pre-pregnancy fitness routine, experts from Tufts University recommend first consulting with a doctor. Once cleared to exercise, start slowly, set flexible goals, and pay attention to body cues to avoid injury.Tufts University, July 2023

Chiropractic: Neck Pain Linked to Worse Migraines.According to a recent study, migraineurs with co-occurring neck pain are more likely to report that their headaches have a greater effect on their ability to carry out their daily activities. Past research has shown that addressing neck disorders in migraine patients—with chiropractic care, for example—can reduce the frequency, intensity, and duration of migraines.Journal of Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, June 2023

Mental Attitude: Too Much Screen Time May Slow Baby’s Development.New research suggests that one-year-old children who spend more than four hours a day in front of screens develop skills in the domains of fine-motor, communication, socialization, and problem-solving more slowly than their peers with less exposure to televisions, tablets, and smartphones.JAMA Pediatrics, August 2023

Wellness/Prevention: Eye Scans Could Spot Parkinson’s Earlier.University College London and Moorfields Eye Hospital researchers report that optical coherence tomography scans are capable of detecting subtle changes in the eyes that develop very early in the course of Parkinson’s disease progression, up to seven years before the condition may even be diagnosed.Neurology, August 2023

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