Advanced Health

“Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter.” ~ Izaak Walton
Health Alert: Postpartum Check-Up Offers a Great Opportunity to Talk Heart Health.Researchers report that only 60% of women at elevated risk for heart disease receive counseling about healthy eating, exercise, and weight loss during their postpartum “fourth trimester” check-up appointment. Study author Dr. Sadiya Khan adds, “We need to find ways to take advantage of this prime opportunity when we have a captive audience of people who are already in the doctor’s office, talking about their health at a critical juncture in life. It is hard to create new opportunities. The fourth-trimester visit is an already-ready moment to prioritize maternal heart health.”Journal of the American Medical Association, July 2023

Diet: Backyard Cookouts Don’t Have to Be Unhealthy.To help make summer backyard get-together fare healthier, UT Southwestern Medical Center offers the following tips: swap out fried shells for corn tortillas; remove the skin and bake or grill wings; use vinegar-base sauces; add a salad to your plate; and opt for leaner cuts of meat.UT Southwestern Medical Center, July 2023

Exercise: Kidney Patients Benefit from Workouts.Technical University of Munich report that among a group of 1,000 kidney dialysis patients, those who participated in a one-year combined aerobic and strength training fitness program experienced significant improvements in health, quality of life, and autonomy, along with less frequent and shorter hospital stays.NEJM Evidence, June 2023

Chiropractic: Whiplash-Associated Headaches Are Common.A literature review that included 26 studies found that headaches are a common complaint after whiplash injury and are associated with higher levels of disability. Doctors of chiropractic are trained in the evaluation and management of patients with whiplash injuries, including whiplash-associated headaches.Musculoskeletal Science & Practice, June 2023

Mental Attitude: Pets May Not Help Patients with Severe Mental Illness.While pets are often considered beneficial for their owner’s mental health, a recent study found that pet ownership may not enhance wellbeing or improve depression, anxiety, or loneliness in individuals with bipolar disorder or psychosis.Human-Animal Interactions, July 2023

Wellness/Prevention: Good Diabetes Management Can Reduce Heart Attack Risks.Using Taiwan’s Longitudinal Cohort of Diabetes Patient Database, researchers found that type 2 diabetics who do a better job at managing the disease—getting regular check-ups and maintain healthy blood glucose, blood pressure, and blood lipid levels—were up to 63% less likely to suffer a heart attack in the next decade.World Journal of Diabetes, July 2023

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