“The more credit you give away,the more will come back to you.The more you help others,the more they will want to help you.”~ Brian Tracy
Health Alert: Large Waist May Be Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor for Diabetics.Using data from the UK Biobank study, researchers report that central obesity (as defined by a waist circumference exceeding 94 cm in men and 80 cm in women) is associated with elevated risks for early death, heart attack, heart failure, diabetic nephropathy, and diabetic retinopathy, even for individuals who do not meet the criteria for being overweight or obese based on their body mass index.Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews, July 2023
Diet: Cancer Patients Need More Fiber.For patients battling cancer, the current data suggests the chance for survival rises by 13% for every ten-gram increase in fiber intake.Mayo Clinic, July 2023
Exercise: Intense Exercise May Help Keep Parkinson’s Disease at Bay.According to a recent animal study, engaging in high-intensity aerobic exercise for four weeks may reduce the spread of pathological alpha-synuclein aggregates with resulting improvements in motor control and visuospatial learning.Science Advances, July 2023
Chiropractic: Migraines and Neck Pain.Questionnaires completed by 295 migraine headache patients revealed that 51.9% experience neck pain, which is associated with increased headache frequency. Past research has shown that using chiropractic care to address musculoskeletal disorders of the neck can reduce the frequency, intensity, and duration of many forms of headache, including migraines.Journal of Clinical Medicine, June 2023
Mental Attitude: Benefits of Laughter.A good laugh releases endorphins, which are natural feel-good chemicals that enhance mood and reduce stress; increases oxygen intake; stimulates the heart, lungs, and muscles; and strengthens social connections.Nature Mental Health, July 2023
Wellness/Prevention: Vitamin D and Juvenile Rheumatic Diseases.Past research has shown vitamin D to have anti-inflammatory properties, and patients with juvenile rheumatic diseases often have lower serum levels of vitamin D. These data suggest that individuals with idiopathic arthritis, juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus, juvenile systemic scleroderma, and Behcet disease may benefit by improving their vitamin D levels via diet, supplementation, and/or increased time in the sun.Rheumatology International, August 2023