“Happiness cannot be pursued; it must ensue.”~ Viktor E. Frankl
Mental Attitude: Time with Dad Good for Baby’s Brain.Researchers analyzed how 128 fathers interacted with their infants at three months of age and then followed up with the children at two years of age. They found that babies whose fathers were more engaged and active when playing with them in their early months of life performed better on thinking skill assessments than those with less engaged fathers. Study leader Dr. Paul Ramchandani adds, “Even as early as three months, these father-child interactions can positively predict cognitive development almost two years later, so there’s something probably quite meaningful for later development, and that really hasn’t been shown much before.”Infant Mental Health Journal, May 2017
Health Alert: Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Becoming More Common in Nursing Homes.People in nursing homes often suffer from health conditions that weaken their immune system, and they’re often on prolonged antibiotic use, which contributes to antibiotic-resistance. Because nursing home residents share many spaces and interact with one another, germs have a chance to move from person to person more easily. A research review of eight prior studies revealed that multidrug-resistant bacteria rates among nursing home residents ranged from 11% to an alarming 59%, with an average of 27%. Experts say that good hand hygiene is one of the number one ways to prevent infection and that continued work to reduce infection rates and the over utilization of antibiotics is needed to address this issue.American Journal of Infection Control, May 2017
Diet: Preschoolers Who Know Common Food Brands on Road to Obesity.Researchers calculated the body mass index (BMI) of 247 young children in the United States and then asked them to identify different food brands. They found that overweight children were more likely to recognize brands associated with fast food, sugary cereals, cookies, and soft drinks than the kids who maintained a healthy weight.Appetite, July 2017
Exercise: A Form of Rock Climbing May Help Treat Depression.Bouldering is a form of rock climbing that involves low-level climbing without the use of harnesses or ropes. In a new study, researchers followed 100 participants who took part in bouldering for three hours per week for a total of eight weeks and found that participants with depression experienced significant improvements in their depressive symptoms. The findings add to past research suggesting that physical activity can help those suffering from depression.Association for Psychological Science, May 2017
Chiropractic: Smartphone Use Affects Posture.Using surface electromyography and a digital camera, researchers investigated changes in posture and muscle activation among 18 participants while they interacted with their electronic device. The results revealed that smartphone use induced a more flexed posture on the neck and trunk compared with desktop computer use. The researchers also found that participants began to experience neck and back pain if they used their smartphone for longer than 15 minutes. The findings suggest that healthcare providers should consider the influences of smartphone use in posture and muscle activity in the evaluation, intervention, and prevention of neck and trunk conditions.Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, June 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Warning Signs of Uterine Fibroids.Growths in a woman’s uterus, called uterine fibroids, usually aren’t cancerous; however, these growths can trigger significant pain and discomfort. Experts from the United States Department of Health and Human Services note that typical uterine fibroid symptoms include: heavy, painful menstrual periods; a sensation of fullness in the lower abdomen or pelvis; abdominal swelling; frequent urination; painful sex; low back pain; and reproductive problems.Health and Human Services, May 2017