Advanced Health

“I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble.”~ Helen Keller

Mental Attitude: Going to Church Lowers Suicide Risk Among Women.According to a new study, after reviewing 15 years of data concerning 89,708 women, those who attended a religious service one or more times per week had a five times lower risk of suicide than women who never attended service. The authors of the study conclude, “Our results do not imply that healthcare providers should prescribe attendance at religious services. However, for patients who are already religious, service attendance might be encouraged as a form of meaningful social participation. Religion and spirituality may be an underappreciated resource that psychiatrists and clinicians could explore with their patients, as appropriate.”JAMA Psychiatry, June 2016

Health Alert: Men Have a Greater Risk of Cardiac Arrest.Researchers examined data on more than 5,200 men and women, aged 28 to 62, who took part in the long-running Framingham Heart Study and found that about one in nine men will suffer a cardiac arrest before the age of 70, compared with about one in thirty women. Lead researcher Dr. Donald Lloyd-Jones comments, “We need to get more serious about screening men for risk factors for cardiac arrest.”Journal of the American Heart Association, June 2016

Diet: Only a Third of Men Eat Five or More Servings of Fruits and Veggies Each Day!Even though produce consumption has slightly improved over the past 20 years, a team of Swedish researchers reports that two-thirds of men still consume fewer than five servings of fruits and vegetables per day.British Journal of Nutrition, July 2016

Exercise: Benefits of Running.Jogging or running is a popular form of physical activity worldwide. It is an appealing exercise because it doesn’t cost a lot to do and you can run at any time that suits you. Regular running or jogging can also make you happier, help you get fit, strengthen your knees and joints, keep you sharper as you age, reduce your risk of cancer, and add years to your life.Runner’s World, June 2016

Chiropractic: Lumbar Mobility Affected By Chronic Pain Among Seniors.In a recent study, researchers compared the mobility of 108 older adults, of whom 54 suffered from chronic low back pain. The investigators found that the older adults with chronic low back pain had more lumbar mobility impairments. This is of concern as loss of mobility can increase a senior’s risk for experiencing a serious fall, which can greatly impact both their quality of life and independence.Pain Medicine, June 2016

Wellness/Prevention: Higher Drinking Age Could Lower Illness Rates.Raising the minimum drinking age may have more benefits than just lowering drunk driving rates. Researchers analyzed data on American adults who turned 18 years old between 1967 and 1990. The team examined if young people who were legally able to drink before their 21st birthday had a higher risk of death from an alcohol-related disease than people who couldn’t legally drink until they turned 21. They found that, among individuals who did not attend college, those who entered adulthood in areas with minimum legal drinking age of 21 had a lower risk of death from chronic alcohol-related health issues, such as liver disease and certain cancers, over the course of their lifetime.Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, June 2016