Advanced Health

“Re-examine all you have been told. Dismiss what insults your soul.”~ Walt Whitman

Mental Attitude: Sleep Problems May Increase Dementia Risk.Past research has demonstrated a link between sleep disruption and the cognitive decline that may lead to Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Because roughly half of older adults suffer from some form of insomnia or sleep-related disorder, researchers suspect that treatment aimed at improving sleep in adults may either reduce the risk of later developing dementia.International Psychogeriatrics, December 2016

Health Alert: Colorectal Cancers Rising in Young Adults.According to the American Cancer Society, about 135,000 people will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer this year, and about one in seven of them will be under the age of 50. Researchers have also predicted that cases of colon cancer among people age 20 to 34 would increase 90% by 2030. Researcher Dr. Yi-Qian Nancy You adds that about a third of the cases can be attributed either to a genetic condition or a family history of the disease. But for the remaining two-thirds, it’s unclear. She says, “We don’t know if it’s diet or lack of exercise or other factors.”WebMD, December 2016

Diet: Choose Healthy Food for Your Child’s Plate.To help ensure that your child eats nutritious foods, help them build a healthy plate at meal time. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends the following: serve brightly-colored vegetables next to something plain, such as rice; serve vegetables or salad as an appetizer before the main course; offer a variety of lean proteins, such as lean beef, poultry, or fish; include whole-grain bread, pasta, or cereal; offer water or low-fat milk with meals instead of sugary beverages; and set a good example by eating healthy yourself.Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, December 2016

Exercise: Aerobic Exercise May Protect Against Dementia.Aerobic exercise may help improve memory and thinking skills among older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). In this study, researchers found that seniors who performed aerobic workouts four times a week for six months had a greater increase in brain volume than participants in a control group who did not exercise. The exercise group also showed significant improvement in thinking and memory. Study co-author Dr. Jeongchul Kim comments, “Any type of exercise can be beneficial. If possible, aerobic activity may create potential benefits for higher cognitive functioning.”Radiological Society of North America, November 2016

Chiropractic: Nurses Often Suffer from Musculoskeletal Pain.Musculoskeletal pain (MSP) is the most common cause of incapacity among nurses. A recent study investigated the prevalence of musculoskeletal pain among hospital nurses and found that the overall prevalence of MSP was 70% in the past year and 64% in the past month, with low back and neck pain being the most common forms of MSP.Pain Research & Management, November 2016

Wellness/Prevention: Setting Age Limits for Tanning Bed Use Could Save Thousands of Lives.Restricting individuals younger than 18 from using indoor tanning beds could prevent thousands of skin cancers and deaths in the United States. According to the report, this restriction could prevent nearly 62,000 melanoma cases and more than 6,700 melanoma deaths over the lifetime of Americans who are currently 14 and younger. Furthermore, it would translate to a savings of nearly $343 million in melanoma treatment costs alone. Dr. Abel Torres, president of the American Academy of Dermatology Association concludes, “We hope this study motivates the [Food and Drug Administration] to save lives and lower healthcare costs by finalizing this proposal as soon as possible. Moreover, we hope these dramatic figures remind the public, especially young people, to stay out of indoor tanning beds.”Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, December 2016