Advanced Health

“Success is attaining your dream while helping othersto benefit from that dream materializing.”~ Sugar Ray Leonard

Mental Attitude: Mid-Life Stresses Tied to Dementia Risk Later On…An analysis of data from four studies that included nearly 40,000 people appears to indicate a possible connection between anxiety during middle age and a diagnosis of dementia in old age. The authors of the analysis suggest that an abnormal stress response may speed brain cell aging and breakdowns in the nervous system, creating a vulnerability to dementia. Senior researcher Dr. Natalie Marchant explains, “Given the long time interval between the assessment of anxiety and the diagnosis of dementia—on average greater than 10 years—the findings from our review indicate that moderate to severe anxiety may be a potentially modifiable risk factor for dementia.”BMJ Open, April 2018

Health Alert: Obesity Risk Increases Among Sleep-Deprived Kids.A review of 42 studies that included over 75,000 children revealed that those who got less than the recommended amount of sleep for their age were 58% more likely to become overweight or obese than kids who got adequate sleep. Study co-author Dr, Michelle Miller explains, “The results showed a consistent relationship across all ages, indicating that the increased risk is present in both younger and older children… The study also reinforces the concept that sleep deprivation is an important risk factor for obesity, detectable very early on in life.”Sleep, April 2018

Diet: Fish and Legumes May Help Delay Menopause.Women who consume a diet rich in fish and legumes may delay the onset of menopause. In this study, researchers found that females who consumed one additional daily portion of oily fish or fresh legumes (like peas and beans) began menopause more than three years later than women who ate fewer daily servings of fish or legumes. The researchers conclude, “Our findings confirm that diet may be associated with the age at natural menopause. This may be relevant at a public health level since age at natural menopause may have implications on future health outcomes.”Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, April 2018

Exercise: Get Active to Prevent Health Issues.A sedentary lifestyle can lead to a host of physical and mental woes. According to the National Library of Medicine, inactive adults have an elevated risk for obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and osteoporosis.National Library of Medicine, May 2018

Chiropractic: Sitting Too Long Linked to Chronic Back Pain.According to a new study that involved 15,000 Korean adults, sitting for more than seven hours per day is significantly associated with an increased risk for chronic low back pain. Additionally, the researchers observed that participants with poor fitness had an even greater risk for low back pain in relation to the amount of time they spent sitting.Spine, April 2018

Wellness/Prevention: Vitamin D Important for Cancer Survivors.Among a sample of 434 head and neck cancer patients, researchers found that those with a vitamin D deficiency were almost twice more likely to experience a cancer recurrence than patients with healthy vitamin D levels.Laryngoscope, May 2018