“The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.”~ Audrey Hepburn
Mental Attitude: Driving May Suffer Even After Concussion Symptoms Fade.Concussion patients may still have difficulty driving, even after their symptoms disappear. Researchers tested fifteen college-aged participants in a driving simulator within 48 hours of reporting they no longer felt the effects of their concussions and found that despite the participants feeling like they had recovered, they continued to have problems controlling their vehicle and staying within their lane.Journal of Neurotrauma, February 2017
Health Alert: Calcium Buildup in Arteries Among Young May Signal Cardiovascular Problems.Researchers performed CT scans and collected data on more than 3,000 men and women with an average age of 40 and found that individuals with any calcified plaque in their arteries had a five times greater risk for cardiovascular problems. Furthermore, these individuals had three times increased risk for a heart attack or stroke. Northwestern University’s Dr. Philip Greenland comments, “The fact that arterial blockages can occur in such young adults reinforces the need for much younger people—like teenagers and 20- to 30-year-olds—to follow healthy exercise and eating habits and not smoke.”JAMA Cardiology, February 2017
Diet: Following a Healthy Diet.The American Heart Association advises the following tips for eating well without dieting or feeling hungry: follow a simple, nutritious eating plan and avoid fad diets; shrink portion sizes instead of quitting your favorite treats; bulk up on foods high in fiber, such as whole grains, fruit, vegetables, and legumes; and avoid the temptation to consume high-sugar beverages or other foods with empty calories by keeping them out of your home.American Heart Association, February 2017
Exercise: Brief Intense Stair Climbing Boosts Fitness.Not having enough time to exercise is no longer an excuse to not get fit. This study included 31 sedentary healthy women who performed brief ten-minute stair climbing routines three times per week for six weeks. The routines involved quick bursts of vigorous stair climbing separated by short periods of recovery. Despite achieving a total of only 30 total minutes of exercise a week, the participants experienced increased cardiorespiratory fitness—an important healthy marker linked to longevity.Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, February 2017
Chiropractic: Hip Issues Common in Low Back Pain Sufferers.In a recent study, over one hundred back pain patients received a physical examination and completed questionnaires on spinal pain, hip pain, and physical function. The findings revealed that hip dysfunction is common in patients presenting with low back pain, and patients with both low back pain and positive hip examination findings tend to have more pain and disability than those with low back pain but without hip issues. Doctors of chiropractic can effectively treat both low back pain and hip pain while improving overall musculoskeletal function.The Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy, February 2017
Wellness/Prevention: You Can Reduce Stress.The American Academy of Family Physicians offers these stress-reducing suggestions: exercise regularly; eat nutritious meals; get plenty of sleep; stretch, breathe deeply, or practice relaxation training; move past things that are out of your control, and don’t sweat the small stuff; prepare as much as possible for upcoming challenges; maintain a positive attitude; find a friend or relative to talk to about what you’re feeling; don’t overburden yourself, and don’t be afraid to say “no” when necessary; establish realistic goals; and make time for fun.American Academy of Family Physicians, February 2017