“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.”~ Dale Carnegie
Mental Attitude: PTSD May Be a Systemic Disorder.Post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD) normally stems from witnessing a shocking, dangerous, or life-threatening event. Researchers recently conducted an analysis of nearly 300 Australian military veterans from the Vietnam War era and found those with a history of PTSD were much more likely to experience sleep disorders, gastrointestinal problems, cardiovascular diseases, and numerous other health conditions. Based on the findings the researchers conclude that, “The higher frequency of comorbid physical conditions suggests that PTSD be conceptualized not as a purely mental disorder, but rather as a systemic disorder. Integrated healthcare strategies directed at the psychological and physical health of patients with PTSD, as well as rigorous control of risk factors, are likely to improve their quality of life and their survival.”Medical Journal of Australia, March 2017
Health Alert: Don’t Watch TV During Meals.Switching off your TV during meal time may help keep you slim. Researchers analyzed data on nearly 13,000 adults and found that those who said they never watched TV or videos during family meals were much less likely to be obese than those who always watched something during mealtime. Additionally, respondents whose family meals were all home-cooked were less likely to be obese than those who ate only some or no home-cooked meals. Study lead author Dr. Rachel Tumin explains, “This highlights the importance of thinking critically about what is going on during those meals, and whether there might be opportunities to turn the TV off or do more of your own food preparation.”Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, March 2017
Diet: Fruits and Veggies Are Good for the Aging Brain.Seniors who consume more than five servings of fruits and vegetables per day may experience both a delay in age-related cognitive decline and a lower risk for neurodegenerative diseases when compared with their peers who consume fewer servings of produce per day.Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine, April 2017
Exercise: Can Too Much Exercise Be a Bad Thing?While several studies have demonstrated that lack of physical activity can increase the risk of mental health problems, those who exercise in excess may also experience mental health symptoms such as irritability, depression, apathy, difficulty concentrating, and loss of self-esteem.American Council on Exercise, April 2017
Chiropractic: Neck Pain Is a Major Problem in the Dental Field…An analysis of health questionnaires completed by dentists, dental assistants, and dental technicians reveals that neck pain is a surprisingly common complaint in dental offices. While nearly 76% of the dentists, almost 91% of dental assistants, and 40% of dental technicians experience cervical discomfort, only 40% of those surveyed have sought care for their symptoms. The authors of the analysis conclude, “Considering the fact that the said discomforts affect performing both professional and everyday activities, its prevention is necessary in order to avoid the consequences they carry.”Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, March 2017
Wellness/Prevention: A Good Night’s Sleep May Save Your Life.Good sleep quality for men may mean the difference between life and death. In this study, researchers analyzed long-term data on more than 823,000 men in the United States and found that men under the age of 65 who slept just three to five hours per night were 55% more likely to develop fatal prostate cancer than those who slept seven hours nightly. Study author Dr. Susan Gapstur adds, “If confirmed in other studies, these findings would contribute to evidence suggesting the importance of obtaining adequate sleep for better health.”American Association for Cancer Research, April 2017