Advanced Health

“The measure of success is happiness and peace of mind.”~ Bobby Davro

Mental Attitude: Air Pollution Linked to Dementia.Among a group of 130,978 United Kingdom residents, researchers found that those living in areas with higher levels of air pollution had up to a 40% increased risk for developing dementia over the following decade.BMJ Open, September 2018 Health Alert: Poor Healthcare Linked to Millions of Death Worldwide.A two-year project in which 30 academics, policymakers, and health experts examined how to measure and improve healthcare quality worldwide concluded that poor-quality healthcare leads to about 5 million deaths per year in developing countries. They found that poor-quality care is a major cause of deaths from treatable conditions, such as cardiovascular deaths, neonatal conditions, road injury, tuberculosis, HIV, and other infectious diseases. Additionally, lack of access to care is a significant factor in deaths from cancer, mental and neurological conditions, and chronic respiratory conditions.The Lancet Public Health Journal, September 2018Diet: Whole Grains Help Prevent Diabetes.After monitoring the health of 55,000 adults for 15 years, researchers report that participants with the highest wholegrain intake had a lower risk for developing type 2 diabetes (34% for men and 22% for women) than those with the lowest whole grain intake.Journal of Nutrition, September 2018

Exercise: Exercise Doesn’t Affect Onset of Menopause.Is there a link between how much a woman exercises and her risk for early menopause? An analysis of twenty years of data concerning more than 107,000 women found no association between physical activity levels at any point in life and the early onset of menopause. Study director Dr. Elizabeth Bertone-Johnson writes, “Our results, in conjunction with other studies, provide substantial evidence that physical activity is not importantly associated with early menopause… we would encourage premenopausal women to be physically active, as exercise is associated with a range of health benefits.”Human Reproduction, September 2018

Chiropractic: Does Chiropractic Care Prevent Back Pain?If you suffer from non-specific low back pain (NSLBP), the results of a new study support continued chiropractic care following your initial course of treatment. In the study, which included 328 NSLBP patients who responded well to chiropractic treatment, those who continued to receive care at least once every three months reported twelve fewer days with bothersome back pain over the following year than patients who did not receive maintenance care.PLOS One, September 2018

Wellness/Prevention: Protecting Children After Pet Exposure.Classroom pets, such as Guinea pigs, hamsters, fish, or frogs can be a great learning experience for kids, but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warns that exposure to animals does come with some risk. Because they are still developing their immune system, children are more likely to get sick after handling an animal. The CDC recommends the following to reduce a child’s risk: always wash hands with water and soap right after touching animals, their food, or their habitats; disinfect areas where animals have been; supervise handwashing for younger children; use a hand sanitizer if running water and soap are not available; and avoid cleaning tanks, feeders, water containers, and other equipment where food is prepared, served, or eaten.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, September 2018